Monday, April 29, 2013

Can Coffee Bean Extract Help Control Blood Sugar?

 study suggests supplement might help, but diabetes expert is skeptical

 (HealthDay News) -- A natural extract from unroasted coffee beans may be a tool in fighting the uncontrolled blood sugar levels characteristic of diabetes, a small, preliminary new study suggests.
Research done in India on normal-weight participants with normal blood glucose (or blood sugar) levels found that various doses of supplements containing green coffee extract all lowered blood sugar, with higher doses associated with larger drops.

"If this can influence a normal person's [glucose levels], then it should be even better for diabetics because they have a problem," said study author Joe Vinson, a professor of chemistry at the University of Scranton, in Pennsylvania. "The green coffee [extract] is the best aspect of coffee to be taken

Buy Green Coffee Bean Extract

How Does Green Coffee Bean Work For body weight Loss

 Does Green Coffee Bean Work For body weight Loss

Green Coffee Beans have been shown to inhibit fat absorption and also stimulate the activation of fat metabolism in the liver, both major supporters of weight reduction. The Chlorogenic acid found in unroasted Green Coffee Beans is a natural phytochemical that is found in a wide array of plants, with very high concentrations in Green Coffee Beans. It has been found to inhibit the release of glucose into the blood, particularly after meals, and appears to help people lose weight as a result. Pure Green Coffee includes the clinically proven 45% Chlorogenic Acid. Green coffee extract consisting of Chlorogenic acid and polyphenols are proven to work as a Fat Burner.